For those unfamiliar, Borderlands is a tale of a small group of adventurers known as vault hunters, setting out in...
The Sega Saturn continues to be in vogue thanks to its diverse game library of Shoot ’em ups, Fighting games...
Tomb Raider is a renowned and iconic action-adventure video game franchise that has captivated gamers worldwide since its inception back...
In a world where mainstream gaming often follows predictable patterns and familiar formulas, there exists a parallel dimension of interactive...
In a gaming landscape perhaps dominated a little too generously by hand-holding games and streamlined experiences, the return of Classic...
Nier Automata is set in a post-apocalyptic world where androids and machines battle for dominance in a perpetual stalemate, Nier:...
Sega have partnered up with watchmaker Anicorn Watches by releasing a range of watches that any discerning Sega fan would...
Sega are back with a bang! Just announced at The Game Awards 2023 are five classic franchises that epitomised Sega...
R-Type was released in the arcades in 1987 by Japanese gaming powerhouse Irem and is considered an iconic and fondly...
In the 80s, a revolution quietly began in the realm of toys and entertainment. This was the era that witnessed...
Metal Slug first came out on the Neo Geo in 1996 during a time when 3D ruled supreme in arcades....
Gaming today has naturally progressed far beyond what was even considered back in the 80’s arcade heyday. Dying is now...
Garfield, the lazy, Monday hating cat was massive in the 80s with cartoons, comics and his face on merch of...
Being a kid back in the 80’s was an awesome time to be alive 1989 stands out as an iconic...
Reviews - Your guide to the past, present and future of all things awesome. Launched in 2016, Retroheadz has been covering nostalgia, retro gaming, geek culture, dance music, movies, TV and cool things that inspire, remind and entertain you.